Angry Birds become the most frequently downloaded games on mobile devices during the year 2011. The game was made by Peter Vesterbacka beat of popular applications such as Facebook and Twitter, as well as other popular games, Fruit Ninja. According to a recent report from mobile analytics firm Distimo application describes the application is downloaded the user of the IOS and the Android operating system, either paid or free applications. Interestingly , Angry Birds is not only dominated the top position in terms of the number of downloaders, but also puts the game into the third series in the 10 most frequently downloaded applications on the App Store and Android Market. The report also revealed that from one million mobile applications ( apps ) available at seven of the top mobile application store, iTunes App Store still dominate the top positions.
For the iPhone, revenue from application sales in the iTunes reach four times the revenue generated on the Google Android Market. While the App Store for iPad have incomes more than doubled compared to income in the Android Market. Top 10 Android apps IOS and the most frequently downloaded in 2011:
1. Angry Birds
2. Facebook
3. Skype
4. Angry Birds Rio
5. Google Maps
6. iBooks
7. Angry Birds Seasons
8. Fruit Ninja
9. Talking Tom
10. Twitter